Do you have a passion or a hobby? Isn’t it more exciting to share it with others? I’m a photographer and while typically the act of taking photos is solo, I’ve found that I need a community to share, learn and grow. It’s been 5 years since I attended a ladies photography retreat so I was longing for quality time with other women photographers. I wanted an intimate group of women in a location I had never visited. Kristen Ryan’s “Magic in the Teton Ladies Retreat” was exactly what I needed! I decided to arrive the day before the retreat so I could recover from traveling and be well rested to start our adventure. As our plane flew over snow covered mountains in June my excitement grew and I couldn’t resist an iPhone image from the plane window.

I flew into Idaho Falls, checking another state off my list, and spent a relaxing evening at the hotel. Though I was rudely awakened very early the next morning by the alarm clock that the prior guest had set. I was too anxious to go back to sleep so I explored a little of Idaho Falls, the visitor center, and a wonderful walking path along the Snake River and the falls. I’m old school and still use physical maps when I can so I always stop at the visitor center to get a feel for the area and pick up a map or two.

As I drove through the countryside of Idaho I was delighted by the farming community and windmills dotting the fields.

I chose to take the Teton Scenic Byway into Wyoming which includes steep inclines & descents but fabulous views. The wildflowers were gorgeous dotting the hillside with their happy yellow faces!

I stopped at the top of the pass to take it all in and watch the storm clouds. This sign was the perfect welcome to Wyoming!

I arrived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming several hours before the retreat officially started…..I told you I was anxious! But this gave me time to drive around and get a feel for the roads and area.

The mountains were gorgeous, so different than the Blue Ridge in Virginia. I can’t wait for the retreat to begin! I’ll share more of my adventures in the next blog post.
Photograph what brings you Joy!
[…] The first three parts of the Magic in the Tetons Ladies Photography Retreat can be found here for Part I, Part II and Part […]
[…] you missed the first four parts of this journey, you can view them here; Part I, Part II, Part III and Part […]
Sharon, I just spent my morning enjoying your blog. Such beautiful work and love your commentary. Congratulations on such beautiful work. I have now subscribed and look forward to more.
[…] in the Grand Teton National Park. If you missed the earlier posts, you can view them here for Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part […]
[…] I shared my experience at the Magic in the Tetons on earlier blog posts, you can find them starting here. But this time I traveled to the beautiful state of Minnesota adding another pin to my USA map 🙂 […]