I set my alarm for an early morning wake-up so I could drive 1 1/2 hours to Skyline Drive for sunrise. I’ll admit I’m not a fan of waking up before the sun but I’ve never regretted it once I drag myself from bed! The drive was relaxing and calming as I wound thru the country roads sipping my coffee and singing with the radio. I arrived at the Buck Hollow Overlook just before sunrise and had time to set-up my gear. The clouds on the horizon reflected the sun as it started to rise.

There were a few other people there to enjoy the sunrise but surprisingly, out of the five vehicles only two of us choose to get out of our cars! Personally I’d rather stand in the cold, breathe in the fresh air, listen to the birds and let the sun wash over me!

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in landscape photography is to look around. Yes, I was there for the sunrise but I was surrounded by beauty. As the sun rose higher in the sky it illuminated the glorious fall foliage on the mountainside.

I drove a little further along Skyline Drive to the Pinnacles Overlook and was captivated by this tree silhouette.

The fall color has been stunning this year and has lasted much longer than usual. I stopped at several more overlooks along the drive to enjoy the foliage.

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