Last Saturday my husband and I spent the day relaxing with friends at their beautiful home in Colonial Beach, VA. As we headed out the door I grabbed my camera at the last minute and I’m so glad I did. The day was perfect! For so many reasons. We’ve known this couple most of our lives, from kindergarten thru high school and beyond! We always enjoy time together and then throw in mutual friends, family, food & music….what can I say, it was a perfect day!
Chicken cooking on this amazing hand-made grill!

And then some pool time! The laughter of a child is always infectious and their joy in the simple things helps to ground me.
I slipped away for a few minutes with my camera. Since I’ve been struggling with my creativity (see previous post) I had low expectations. But the relaxing day and having new “subjects” opened my eyes.
If I woke to this view every day it would be a real struggle to go to work!

As I wandered the pier with camera in hand, I was startled by two swans. They weren’t bothered by my presence so I clicked away. The light was flat and it was hard to focus as they swam, but I love this image. I converted it to B&W and I’m delighted with the results!

A perfect day with friends, good food, laughter, live music and a little dancing and a few stolen moments with my camera made my heart sing!
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