Day 2 of our photography retreat started with an early wake up call to capture sunrise. With a cup of coffee in hand I headed out the door with my new friends! We returned to Black Rock Beach and this time I took a little time to explore and enjoy the beauty before setting up my camera. I was enamored with the tiny rocks that made up the beach, so different from the sandy shores of the East Coast that I’m used to.

The horizon was filled with storm clouds but it helped to create this beautiful sunrise glow on Lake Superior.

I wandered and explored to see more of the beach than I had the night before. As the sun rose higher the water turned a beautiful greenish-blue.

And I had to capture the lovely curve of the beach but this time from a different angle. I climbed up to the rock in the above image (right)!

We headed back to the lodge to fuel up with breakfast before heading to our next location. Temperance River held so many opportunities and areas to explore. I enjoyed practicing long exposure and different compositions. I love the white strings flowing through this image.

This is one of my favorites from the river. I love the combination of a long exposure to smooth out the water and the texture provided by the exposed rocks and fall foliage!

One of the techniques Beth challenged us with on the retreat was to put ourself in the image. I balked at this idea in the beginning but as I saw others taking images at the river, I decided to give it a try. I’m pleasantly surprised with my result and I think I’ll have to do this more often. I like showing that I was there enjoying the beauty of nature!

As the day remained overcast and we didn’t expect to see a sunset we decided to drive north to Grand Marais. I was not expecting the strong wind and waves but loved every minute (and grateful I had my winter coat!!). The town of Grand Marais as seen from across the harbor. The fall color is just appearing on the hillside behind the town.

There are so many things I love about this next image. The leading lines of the walkway to the lighthouse, the crashing waves, the lighthouse itself and then the mountains as they roll in the distance.

Since the skies were overcast I decided to post process a few images in black and white, it just felt right.

The day ended with a wonderful meal together and lots of laughter! The laughter became hysterical as Charlotte and I relayed the story of the young man at the market who tried to convince me not to purchase the wine opener but instead use a Bic lighter to heat the end of the bottle and blow the cork 🙂 I bought the wine opener!!
Photograph what brings you Joy!
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