Our home office received a long overdue makeover! The office has been an eye sore for years, our personal dumping ground. We all have one of those rooms, right? Or sometimes several but I’m not discussing the condition of our basement!! I’ve been dreaming about this project for several years. I even drew my own design for the custom floor-to-ceiling bookshelf/desk unit. Our plans were put on hold but it’s a new year and we’ve been hard at work! We dusted off the design, made a few tweaks and started cleaning out the room and tearing up the carpet.
Here’s a before picture……now don’t judge I’m just keeping it real!

Pretty bad, right?
The good news is I’m blessed with a husband who is a master trim carpenter AND he doesn’t mind painting! So this disaster could be fixed with a little work. As you can see from the various shades on the wall it took a few paint samples before we found the perfect color.
Our little cairn terrier, Lacey, loves to help with our projects too.

Not only did my wonderful husband build all those gorgeous bookshelves but he also custom built the desktop. It’s made from red oak and I LOVE IT!! It’s a wonderful contrast to the white cabinets, blends with the new floors and will never be this clean again!

Then the best part happens for me. It’s all finished and I get to fill those bookshelves and print photos for the walls.

And finally…..drum roll please……it’s finished and absolutely perfect!

We incorporated old with the new. This desk belonged to Hank’s grandfather. I love the old phone still attached. And the cuckoo clock was a gift from my girlfriend in Germany.

I love my new office and hope to be more productive! At least I can’t use the disorganization as my excuse any longer!!
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