We get so much joy and anticipation from planting our vegetable garden in the spring but when it comes time to clean it up in the fall, we avoid the task. At least most years that’s our story.

My husband’s GIANT vegetable garden is much better tended during the winter months as he prepares the soil for next year’s crop. Sadly, we rarely do the same with the garden containing our eating veggies.
I guess we’re tired from the hoeing, harvesting, hot sun, mosquitoes, vicious mayflies and the weeds. By late summer we declare defeat and let the weeds and morning glory have their way.
Then it’s mid-winter and we’re dreaming of fresh vegetables picked from our vines. We look longingly at the garden patch and realize we have some work to do. So, after a few warm days we gain the incentive to take the plunge into the dried-up plants and retrieve our tomato stakes, t-posts and other supplies left behind. And since we were too lazy to clean it up last fall, what choice do we have but to burn!

Yes, spring we know you’re on the way but we’d love to see you soon! The tiller is ready and the ground will be prime for planting.
Beautiful collection! I’m so excited it’s time to start garden clean up!