My husband and I took a much needed break from the daily routine and spent our Saturday enjoying the Field Day of the Past in Goochland, VA. It was a beautiful day with no rain, which has been rare for us this September. (it’s been raining for the past two days as I write this post!)

Not only did we get a break to enjoy a wonderful event but I took along my new-to-me Canon 6D. I’ve been wanting a full frame camera and had the opportunity to buy a used one recently. I attached the 35mm prime lens thus committing myself to it for the day. It was a struggle, I won’t lie. There were several times I fussed and wanted my tele-photo lens but I pushed myself to learn the camera and adjust compositions while using a prime lens.
A little history of the event… they began in 1992 with a few steam and gas engine enthusiasts to bring a show to the public. It has since expanded in presentations and length of show. They are supported by volunteers and are a non-profit organization, contributing proceeds to local charities, non-profits and organizations. Several of the buildings were scheduled for demolition but instead moved to their site and refurbished; the Short Pump Garage, the Ice House, the Short Pump Grocery. You can step back in time a see what life was like 80+ years ago.
I was even amazed at the antique heavy equipment on site. Some in operation for our viewing pleasure.

The steam engine area was filled with equipment I’d never seen in person. Most of it operational.
And the antique cars, trucks and tractors were gorgeous!
And there’s the much loved tractor and truck pull to entertain the crowd.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I used free presets from Piet Van den Eynde while editing these images and made some fine tuning with the purchased LR plug-in Opal. We enjoyed our day out, I got to stretch my photography skills and we had great food! Sorry no pictures of the food or homemade ice cream we consumed but I did find this collection of coke bottles outside the country store.

Hope your Saturday was as fun as ours!
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